Monday, January 1, 2007

Being resolute never worked for me...

Resolutions? Seriously? What is there to resolutionize besides the usual - eat better, work out more, be more organized, be on time, blah, blah, blah.

I've made New Year's Resolutions year after year, and yet, I've never kept a single one. At least, I've never kept one because it was my New Year's Resolution. My resolution for 2005 was to "better myself." A little vauge, and a little too easy. I moved out of my parents' house and got a full time job.

Resolution: met.
I like the whole New Year thing, really, I do. The fact that its a day off makes it pretty high in my book. Football, also a good thing. This New Year has started fairly well - I slept late and have pretty much been parked on the boyfriend's couch ever since.
What more could I ask for? Not much, I tell you.
The Rose Parade was on a little earlier, so I unashamedly cheered on the marching bands. Poor Matt, dealing with my constant cheering for bands. We go to football games - I cheer for the band. We watch a parade - I cheer for the band. I've regaled him with my marching band stories from high school, and he's had to see my awful baton throws from my stint as "The DrumMajor's Sister."
I think, deep down inside, despite my sophisticated, adult-like exterior, I am still a band geek.